Statistics & Research about Willis,TX - Twfg Insurance Services

Here are some statistics & research about Willis,TX an area served by Twfg Insurance Services

1201 Lake Woodlands Dr., Ste. 4020 The Woodlands
Phone : (281) 203-0883

Real estate research for area nearby Twfg Insurance Services

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Montgomery County 164,200 951 7.0
Shenandoah 159,800 1158 8.7
Shepherd-Evergreen 77,000 681 10.6
Montgomery 203,700 951 5.6
Plum Grove 80,000 563 8.4
New Waverly 108,100 690 7.7
Spring 112,600 1137 12.1
Oakhurst 143500 NA NA
Stagecoach 183,300 625 4.1
North Cleveland 37,200 688 22.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Twfg Insurance Services

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Montgomery County 29111
Shenandoah 210
Shepherd-Evergreen 1889
Montgomery 3386
Plum Grove 56
New Waverly 819
Spring 1923
Oakhurst 69
Stagecoach 2
North Cleveland 28
Huntsville 4616
Willis 3297
Roman Forest 13
Cape Royale 72

Number of whites in places near by Twfg Insurance Services

Place name Number of whites
Montgomery County 402030
Shenandoah 2291
Shepherd-Evergreen 14862
Montgomery 44680
Plum Grove 657
New Waverly 6069
Spring 35521
Oakhurst 389
Stagecoach 517
North Cleveland 202
Huntsville 30783
Woodloch 181
Willis 27589
Roman Forest 1880
Cape Royale 393

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Twfg Insurance Services

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Montgomery County 9995
Shenandoah 40
Shepherd-Evergreen 61
Montgomery 1266
New Waverly 72
Spring 889
Stagecoach 2
North Cleveland 3
Huntsville 120
Willis 191
Roman Forest 31
Cape Royale 4

Number of blacks in places near by Twfg Insurance Services

Place name Number of blacks
Montgomery County 18758
Shenandoah 19
Shepherd-Evergreen 992
Montgomery 1496
New Waverly 1056
Spring 11483
North Cleveland 3
Huntsville 10816
Willis 2091
Roman Forest 33