Statistics & Research about Huntsville,TX - Twfg Insurance Services

Here are some statistics & research about Huntsville,TX an area served by Twfg Insurance Services

1212 10TH ST
Phone : (936) 293-8121

Real estate research for area nearby Twfg Insurance Services

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Glendale 87,600 400 5.5
Montgomery County 164,200 951 7.0
Huntsville 129,600 720 6.7
Walker County 110,600 715 7.8
Iola 66,800 740 13.3
New Waverly 108,100 690 7.7
Grimes County 92,700 658 8.5
Madison County 84,200 607 8.7
Oakhurst 143500 NA NA
Madisonville 83,700 585 8.4

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Twfg Insurance Services

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Glendale 295
Montgomery County 29111
Huntsville 4616
Walker County 6792
Iola 121
New Waverly 819
Grimes County 3359
Madison County 1513
Oakhurst 69
Madisonville 854
Anderson-Bedias 1269
Midway 225
Anderson 44
Bedias 52
Trinity 1328

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Twfg Insurance Services

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Glendale 141
Montgomery County 14867
Huntsville 2518
Walker County 2773
Iola 6
New Waverly 169
Grimes County 461
Madison County 215
Madisonville 130
Anderson-Bedias 203
Midway 67
Anderson 12
Bedias 7
Trinity 157

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Twfg Insurance Services

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Glendale 541
Montgomery County 79188
Huntsville 6349
Walker County 10479
Iola 68
New Waverly 1208
Grimes County 5075
Madison County 2680
Oakhurst 165
Madisonville 1644
Anderson-Bedias 2328
Midway 359
Anderson 104
Bedias 120
Trinity 1747

Number of vacant houses in places near by Twfg Insurance Services

Place name Number of vacant houses
Glendale 496
Montgomery County 17569
Huntsville 2179
Walker County 4083
Iola 34
New Waverly 798
Grimes County 2153
Madison County 1514
Oakhurst 116
Madisonville 895
Anderson-Bedias 1196
Midway 197
Anderson 59
Bedias 69
Trinity 1691