Statistics & Research about Sealy,TX - Ruth C Mercier

Here are some statistics & research about Sealy,TX an area served by Ruth C Mercier

Phone : 281-493-0056

Car dealers nearby Ruth C Mercier

Cliff Jones Rv

Cliff Jones RV I-10 & Highway 36Sealy,TX 77474
Phone: (888) 647-8077

Real estate research for area nearby Ruth C Mercier

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Simonton 203,500 1234 7.3
Brazos Country 278,200 1625 7.0
Kendleton 66,800 775 13.9
Fulshear-Simonton 267,600 1448 6.5
Rosenberg 104,000 833 9.6
Glidden 87,600 598 8.2
East Bernard 108,500 681 7.5
Austin County 153,200 763 6.0
Prairie View-Waller 139,400 793 6.8

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Ruth C Mercier

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Simonton 34
Brazos Country 3
Kendleton 45
Fulshear-Simonton 1759
Rosenberg 2877
Glidden 66
East Bernard 534
Austin County 3290
Prairie View-Waller 1774
Pine Island 89
Waller 214
Wallis 364
Waller County 4223
Brookshire 1178

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Ruth C Mercier

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Simonton 163
Brazos Country 118
Kendleton 111
Fulshear-Simonton 8376
Rosenberg 5168
Glidden 117
East Bernard 1524
Austin County 6762
Prairie View-Waller 3357
Pine Island 225
Waller 433
Wallis 549
Waller County 7766
Brookshire 2408

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Ruth C Mercier

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Simonton 7
Kendleton 10
Hungerford 16
Fulshear-Simonton 1260
Rosenberg 1416
Glidden 8
East Bernard 202
Austin County 850
Prairie View-Waller 291
Pine Island 23
Waller 24
Wallis 52
Waller County 740
Brookshire 154

Number of new houses in places near by Ruth C Mercier

Place name Number of new houses
Fulshear-Simonton 320500
Rosenberg 117600
Austin County 49200
Prairie View-Waller 114800
Waller County 163700
Brookshire 165700