Statistics & Research about Humble,TX - Paolino Insurance Agaency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Humble,TX an area served by Paolino Insurance Agaency Inc

8727 FM 1960 E
Phone : 281-812-8400

Car dealers nearby Paolino Insurance Agaency Inc

The Auto Butler

Phone: (281) 548-1010

Humble Hyundai

18877 Highway 59 North, Humble, TX 77338
Phone: 832-644-4000

Robbins Chevrolet

Robbins Chevrolet18611 Highway 59 NorthHumble, TX 77338
Phone: (281) 446-3021

Real estate research for area nearby Paolino Insurance Agaency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Tomball 146,400 883 7.2
Spring Valley Village 493,300 2001 4.9
Sheldon 73,200 950 15.6
Shenandoah 159,800 1158 8.7
Northwest Harris 157,700 970 7.4
Humble 104,900 832 9.5
Northeast Harris 121,600 932 9.2
Piney Point Village 1,000,001 1184 1.4
Magnolia 170,100 945 6.7
Highlands 86,300 1003 13.9

Number of whites in places near by Paolino Insurance Agaency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Tomball 8363
Spring Valley Village 3453
Sheldon 1163
Shenandoah 2291
Northwest Harris 451203
Humble 9126
Northeast Harris 45850
Piney Point Village 2793
Magnolia 48778
Highlands 6590
Deer Park 28555
Old River-Winfree 2004
Dayton Lakes 97
Plum Grove 657
Liberty County 60191

Number of vacant houses in places near by Paolino Insurance Agaency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Tomball 908
Spring Valley Village 59
Sheldon 82
Shenandoah 104
Northwest Harris 19399
Humble 641
Northeast Harris 1835
Piney Point Village 118
Magnolia 834
Highlands 328
Deer Park 832
Old River-Winfree 178
Dayton Lakes 16
Plum Grove 61
Liberty County 4362

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Paolino Insurance Agaency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Tomball 142800
Spring Valley Village 546900
Sheldon 55400
Northwest Harris 129200
Humble 104300
Northeast Harris 114200
Piney Point Village 1000001
Magnolia 146800
Highlands 94200
Deer Park 134400
Old River-Winfree 60600
Plum Grove 56000
Liberty County 86500

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Paolino Insurance Agaency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Tomball 161800
Spring Valley Village 659400
Northwest Harris 172000
Humble 96500
Northeast Harris 132300
Piney Point Village 1000001
Magnolia 153500
Highlands 127100
Deer Park 184900
Old River-Winfree 77800
Plum Grove 151300
Liberty County 74100