Statistics & Research about Waller,TX - Isb Insurance Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Waller,TX an area served by Isb Insurance Services Inc

31384 Fm 2920, Ste B

Real estate research for area nearby Isb Insurance Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Todd Mission 223000 NA NA
Shenandoah 159,800 1158 8.7
Waller 135,100 873 7.8
Katy 150,400 1076 8.6
Magnolia 170,100 945 6.7
Pine Island 146,900 528 4.3
Pattison 162,500 1047 7.7
Prairie View 116,000 725 7.5
Fulshear 345,400 963 3.3
Bellville 163,200 617 4.5

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Isb Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Todd Mission 612500
Waller 95000
Katy 136500
Magnolia 146800
Pine Island 303800
Pattison 161100
Prairie View 93200
Fulshear 325000
Bellville 156600
Tomball 142800
Washington-Chappell Hill 126200
Stagecoach 170000
Austin County 146900

Number of new houses in places near by Isb Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Katy 396900
Magnolia 368500
Fulshear 382600
Bellville 283900
Tomball 318800
Austin County 49200

Number of blacks in places near by Isb Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Shenandoah 19
Waller 459
Katy 694
Magnolia 762
Pine Island 175
Pattison 8
Prairie View 4576
Fulshear 256
Bellville 670
Tomball 1428
Anderson 111
Washington-Chappell Hill 1026
Austin County 2757

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Isb Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Shenandoah 157800
Waller 126800
Katy 151700
Magnolia 132900
Pine Island 255000
Pattison 112500
Prairie View 95000
Fulshear 515600
Bellville 217700
Tomball 88400
Washington-Chappell Hill 191100
Stagecoach 191700
Austin County 149000