Statistics & Research about Pasadena,TX - Gengler Agency Services

Here are some statistics & research about Pasadena,TX an area served by Gengler Agency Services

3222 BURKE RD STE 100
Phone : 713-947-6660

Car dealers nearby Gengler Agency Services


Phone: (281) 487-1969

G & M Motors

G & M MOTORS 3802 ALLEN GENOA RD.Pasadena,TX,77504 PH832-736-4338
Phone: 832-736-4338

Real estate research for area nearby Gengler Agency Services

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Missouri City 158,900 1405 10.6
Morgans Point 145,800 900 7.4
Shoreacres 157,000 1551 11.9
West University Place 751,600 2001 3.2
Taylor Lake Village 199,200 782 4.7
La Marque 85,300 876 12.3
Old River-Winfree 89,000 645 8.7
Iowa Colony 131,900 860 7.8
Friendswood 220,500 1155 6.3
Anahuac 104,600 677 7.8

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Gengler Agency Services

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Missouri City 1073
Morgans Point 33
Shoreacres 72
West University Place 719
La Marque 1804
Old River-Winfree 99
Iowa Colony 90
Friendswood 1186
Anahuac 864
El Lago 84
Bunker Hill Village 45
Sheldon 97
Northeast Harris 3138
Barrett 283

Number of whites in places near by Gengler Agency Services

Place name Number of whites
Missouri City 23694
Morgans Point 236
Shoreacres 1448
West University Place 13149
Taylor Lake Village 3083
La Marque 8133
Old River-Winfree 2004
Iowa Colony 1042
Friendswood 31219
Anahuac 4016
El Lago 2624
Bunker Hill Village 3120
Sheldon 1163
Northeast Harris 45850
Barrett 455

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Gengler Agency Services

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Missouri City 281
Morgans Point 8
West University Place 73
Taylor Lake Village 24
La Marque 310
Old River-Winfree 9
Iowa Colony 14
Friendswood 877
Anahuac 192
El Lago 244
Sheldon 27
Northeast Harris 738
Barrett 26

Number of blacks in places near by Gengler Agency Services

Place name Number of blacks
Missouri City 27897
Morgans Point 91
West University Place 21
Taylor Lake Village 73
La Marque 5750
Old River-Winfree 79
Iowa Colony 146
Friendswood 1529
Anahuac 965
El Lago 36
Bunker Hill Village 2
Northeast Harris 8253
Barrett 2844