Statistics & Research about Pearland,TX - Donald Rowan Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Pearland,TX an area served by Donald Rowan Agency

Phone : 281-485-7500

Car dealers nearby Donald Rowan Agency

Strickland Chevrolet

Strickland Chevrolet 5719 Broadway St Pearland, TX 77581
Phone: (281) 997-5100

Old Fashioned Way Auto Center

Phone: 281-485-7734

Real estate research for area nearby Donald Rowan Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hilshire Village 561,900 2001 4.3
Barrett 60,800 903 17.8
Cumings 201100 NA NA
Clear Lake Shores 241,900 1509 7.5
Webster 109,000 966 10.6
Piney Point Village 1,000,001 1184 1.4
Bacliff 93,100 886 11.4
Angleton 116,800 794 8.2
Liverpool 92,500 488 6.3
Bellaire 558,800 1522 3.3

Number of old houses in places near by Donald Rowan Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Clear Lake Shores 241700
Webster 27500
Bacliff 118800
Angleton 87700
Liverpool 78900
Bellaire 428300
Shoreacres 116700
West University Place 654400
Fort Bend County 114200
Danbury 83800

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Donald Rowan Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Hilshire Village 414300
Barrett 45500
Cumings 23600
Clear Lake Shores 171100
Webster 112500
Piney Point Village 1000000
Bacliff 88800
Angleton 87900
Liverpool 254200
Bellaire 254500
Shoreacres 120800
El Lago 165300
West University Place 409100
Fort Bend County 99500
Danbury 116100

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Donald Rowan Agency

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Hilshire Village 135
Barrett 660
Cumings 67
Clear Lake Shores 238
Webster 662
Piney Point Village 151
Bacliff 1491
Angleton 7116
Liverpool 113
Bellaire 2151
Shoreacres 378
El Lago 392
West University Place 1689
Fort Bend County 75656
Danbury 367

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Donald Rowan Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Hilshire Village 120
Barrett 119
Cumings 159
Clear Lake Shores 71
Webster 139
Piney Point Village 424
Bacliff 433
Angleton 2141
Liverpool 12
Bellaire 2627
Shoreacres 142
El Lago 540
West University Place 2123
Fort Bend County 71840
Danbury 88